Global Standards, Local Expertise

Delivering bespoke Assurance, Testing, and Certification services to fuel your business growth globally.


Established in 2020 in Tanzania under the Company Act, SEAWAVES is a trusted partner for Assurance, Testing, Inspection, and Certification (ATIC) services. Registered with the Tanzanian government, we go beyond traditional services to provide innovative, tailored solutions that empower our customers with technical expertise and unmatched quality assurance.

We support our clients at every stage of their operations, from research and development to raw materials sourcing, supplier validation, manufacturing, transportation, distribution, retail channels, and consumer management.


SEAWAVES is a leading Total Quality Assurance provider to industries worldwide. Our network of more than 1,000 laboratories and offices and over 46,000 people in more than 100 countries, delivers innovative and bespoke Assurance, Testing, Inspection and Certification solutions for our customers’ operations and supply chains.


Enabling you to identify and mitigate the intrinsic risk in your operations, supply chains and quality management systems.


Evaluating how your products and services meet and exceed quality, safety, sustainability and performance standards.


Validating the specifications, value and safety of your raw materials, products and assets.


Formally confirming that your products and services meet all trusted external and internal standards.


Bulk petroleum (crude oil) cargo inspection and testing.

SEAWAVES petroleum (crude oil) and petroleum-products bulk cargo inspection services help ensure quality and quantity when trading and transporting high value petroleum cargo movements. Available on a global 24/7/365 basis, SEAWAVES inspection expertise reduces financial risks to trading parties. SEAWAVES’s global network of office and laboratories coordinate inspection and testing services for petroleum cargo movements, as required by our clients.

Tank Gauging Bunker, Surveys, Atmospheric Monitoring, Product Sampling to Industry Standards, Tank Cleanliness Inspection, Tank Wall Wash, Tanker Lightering, Auto-Sampling, Investigation of Cargo Discrepancies

Offshore Lightering Inspection, Services Crude Oil Rail Car, Services Cargo Additive Treatment Services (Global), Cargo Additive Treatment

Cargo Inspection Services, Petroleum and Petrochemical Services, A-Z Petroleum and Petrochemical Test, Petroleum Laboratory

SEAWAVES offers clients professional inspection and testing services for bulk chemical cargo commodity shipments on a global basis. SEAWAVES provides critical quality, purity, and quantity services for valuable bulk chemical cargo, on a global 24/7/365 basis.

Global Inspection Coordination Chemical Tank, Gauging Atmospheric Monitoring Chemical, Product Sampling, Tank Cleanliness and Tank Wall Wash Inspection, Tanker Cargo Transfer and Lightering, Auto-Sampling, Rigs Trace Analysis, Investigation of Cargo Discrepancy, Proper Sampling to Accepted Industry Standards, Sample Transport to Laboratory Sample, Testing and Retain, Cargo Additive Treatment Services, Petrochemicals Testing

SEAWAVES is a world leader in petrochemical and chemical bulk com- modity cargo inspection, surveying, measurement, and testing. SEA- WAVES reports, produced by experienced coordinators, chemists and inspectors, help clients to protect their financial interests during cargo storage, transport, custody transfer and other business activities.

SEAWAVES provides chemical inspection services across the world, offering 24/7 inspection coordination and reporting services in the world’s major chemical ports and production regions, backed by the most advanced laboratory network of its kind. The chemical testing labs conform to ASTM, ISO and other industry standards. SEAWAVES is a member of IFIA, the International Federation of Inspection Agencies, and operates with strict adherence to its practices and guidelines.

SEAWAVES is a leading agricultural inspection body, accredited by the International Federation of Inspection Agencies (IFIA). To protect our clients’ interests and reputations, we offer the full range of agricultural commodity inspection services.

As a trusted third-party inspector, we identify issues at source before they become a problem; conduct pre-shipment inspections; and supervise cargo loading, discharging, weighing and screening. Our qualified inspectors are located at the major ports, ready to provide services including tank and hold cleanliness, supervision, weighing, sampling and measuring.

Understanding the condition of tanks and holds is vital to the safe shipping of your cargo. Contamination, infestation or humid could damage or destroy your cargo, while refusal to load due to suspected cleanliness issues can be costly.

Our qualified inspectors check that holds and tanks are clean and dry, untainted by previous cargo and free from infestation. Samples are collected as per contract guidelines, and vary by type of commodity, your specific requirements and international standards. At every step we work to safeguard the quality of your samples. Once collected, we make sure that all samples are brought back to our laboratories within the required timeframe to guarantee representative and accurate results.

Our pre-shipment inspection services can be tailored to suit your specif- ic requirements, but all serve to make sure that your product is packed, loaded and shipped according to your specifications. Shipment risks can be mitigated through reliable, meticulous supervision during loading and unloading. Accurate, verified weighing at port terminals is essential for protecting the value of your cargo.

Real-time information about the condition of your goods allows you to make immediate decisions about whether to accept or reject them, and enables you to release payments to producers or suppliers without delay. Our experts can be on site at warehouses, silos or port terminals to screen condition, and measure and grade goods, according to accept- ed standards.


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