SEAWAVES collaborates with and supports some of the most well-known brands and businesses around the globe, providing essential knowledge, discretion, and capability where and when our clients need it. Our work helps ensure proper certification and greater market access, the ability to meet product performance and quality metrics, and the promotion and elevation of a brand’s name and reputation. We improve the value proposition of our clients’ products through the strength and robustness of our services, and, as a result, more and more new and well-known clients join the SEAWAVES family all the time such as (SUPER OIL PETROLEUM COMPANY, ATN PETROLEUM, OLASITI INVESTMENT CO LTD, ZANZIBAR PETROLEUM AND LYAWERE COMPANY


In consideration of the services provided by SEAWAVES SUPERINTENDENT &INSPECTION COMPANY LTD under the agreement, shall unconditionally pay the fees and charges agreed upon of:

  1. Vessel discharge:  0.100 USD per M/ton for quantity above 3000 M/Tons

(Minimum charges 250 USD per shipment)

We will require additional cost for upcountry operation

  1. Transfer operation: 200 USD per shipment
  1. Loading of Trucks: 15USD per truck:
  1. Stock Monitoring: 600 USD per month (20 USD per day)

Note: All price above are VAT exclusive

The above fees shall be exclusive of any and all taxes and other mandatory payments, including VAT, charged or which may be imposed in the future in relation to services described and the same shall be effective from the first day on which SEAWAVES SUPERINTENDENT deploys its staff to commence the provision of services relating to this Agreement


All orders are accepted and all reports and certificates are issued subject to the general conditions of the Services.


100% upon receipt of SEAWAVES SUPERINTENDENT Invoice or not later than one week. All the above Charges are exclusive of VAT

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